Creating a User
Login to AWS Console:
Go to IAM
Click on Users
Click on Create user
Give your user a name
Select "Attach policies directly"
Review the user and click on Create user
Click on the user we just created
Click on "Add permissions" and "Create inline policy"
Search for the service you want to add, ie gamelift
Select all permissions and Allow
In this example we're granting ALL permissions to the gamelift user and the gamelift service, this is not recommended for a release build of your product, for better security select only the permissions that is required for your particular case. This is for demonstration purposes only!
Select "All" resources and click on Next
In this example we're granting ALL permissions to the gamelift user and the gamelift service, this is not recommended for a release build of your product, for better security select only the permissions that is required for your particular case. This is for demonstration purposes only!
Review and create
Click on Security Credentials
Create an access key
Make sure you read and understand the consequences of access keys
Make sure you save the keys by downloading the .cvs file
- These values will be used when initializing the aws plugin